Borehamwood and Elstree United is using the newly-opened synagogue at Yavneh College for weekly Friday night and occasional Shabbat morning services for a satellite minyan.
The move follows the signing of an agreement between the US and the school.
It is a further development of the Friday night minyan launched 18 months ago to serve members of the congregation who live on the southern side of its catchment area. Held in private homes, the services attracted a core congregation of two dozen.
Synagogue minister Rabbi Naftali Brawer led the first service at Yavneh and will continue to officiate on an occasional basis. "There is no doubt," he said, "that the area is home to an increasing number of our congregants, especially those with young families. I believe many more of them will be drawn to join the services, not only by the convenience but also by the beauty of the Yavneh shul."