
Say it in French in the West End

November 24, 2016 23:19

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

A central London shul is following in the footsteps of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in St John's Wood by establishing a minyan catering to French speakers.

The Western Marble Arch plans to hold the first monthly Sephardi Shabbat morning minyan in April.

Its community rabbi, Sam Taylor, said that around 20 of the shul's 100 Shabbat regulars are French. "They are a vital and important part of the community. We want to try and better cater for them."

The minyanim will be led by Rabbi Taylor and Moroccan chazan Raphael Berdugo. Many French Jews have North African origins so will be familiar with a Sephardi service.

Rabbi Taylor - who ran a Sephardi minyan for three years while serving a New Jersey congregation - will deliver the sermon in English.

He said there were two reasons for the influx of French congregants, many of them young professionals. "One is antisemitism. It exists in England and France, but France is far worse. Two is economically. London is the economic powerhouse of Europe. France doesn't have as many opportunities."

The shul has also introduced shiurim in French led by Edgware United Synagogue's Rabbi David Lister.

Around 70 people attended the Liberal Jewish Synagogue's inaugural French service last month.