
Salford schools face places crisis


A baby boom in Salford will leave local Jewish schools facing huge pressure on places.

Salford has one of the UK's fastest-growing Jewish populations and its schools have begun lobbying for funding to expand existing buildings. One independent Charedi school is attempting to buy a Salford care home which has larger premises.

Broughton Jewish Primary has experienced a 21 per cent rise in pupils over three years and the school is making efforts to accommodate the rising roll. Last year, it spent £105,000 converting classrooms to provide a three-form entry.

"We are looking for more capital funding to expand the building further to cater for the growing numbers and extra classes required," said governors' chair Dov Black, who oversaw the school's conversion to an academy to take advantage of direct government funding.

Salford City Council Mayor Ian Stewart acknowledged: "We must create new places for the growing school population by a wide variety of measures."

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