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Sainsbury's checks out Cosgrove

December 29, 2010 14:30
1 min read

Volunteers and local shoppers showed their support for Cosgrove Care by packing bags at Sainsbury's in Darnley, Glasgow. The supermarket has chosen Cosgrove Care to be its charity of the year and, thanks to 53 volunteers turning out in dreadful weather, £1,225 was raised.

According to Theresa McDaid, a volunteer bag packer and mother of a service-user, a good time was had by all.

"There was a group of us there. It was a good opportunity to let people know it was their charity of the year and people were exceedingly generous. We all enjoyed it and the checkout staff were really helpful," she said.

One volunteer was Martin Connelly of Eaglesham Masonic Lodge who had presented Cosgrove Care with a cheque for £2,400 the previous week at a festive lunch at the Giffnock Macabbi. The money was raised at two fundraising events, one a sportsman's dinner and the other a band night held at Lodge Eaglesham.