
Rosh Pinah builds

June 16, 2011 14:19

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

A £3.5 million building programme at Edgware's Rosh Pinah Primary including a modern early years unit has been approved by Barnet Council and construction is expected to start in January.

The project is designed to have Rosh Pinah's operations on a single site in Glengall Road. Its 120 nursery and reception children are currently taught at the original school site in Mowbray Road. It was considered financially and educationally unwise to renovate the Mowbray Road building but more teaching space was needed at Glengall Road before the sections could be transferred.

As part of the project, the Glengall Road site - now over 25 years old - will undergo a major refurbishment, providing enlarged classrooms and enhanced small group teaching areas. Rosh Pinah head Anthony Wolfson said the scheme would "create a school that will serve the community well into the future".

In September, the school will take in an additional reception class, bringing the overall roll to more than 500. It is envisioned that the nursery will move to Glengall Road in late 2013 or early 2014.