
Rosh Pinah backtracks on changes

Parents of pupils at Edgware’s Rosh Pinah Primary have cautiously welcomed a “climb-down” by the school over changes to its Jewish studies curriculum.

February 18, 2009 17:58

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

Parents of pupils at Edgware’s Rosh Pinah Primary have cautiously welcomed a “climb-down” by the school over changes to its Jewish studies curriculum.

Last Friday, the JC reported parental anger at the removal of chumash and Rashi from the syllabus. On the same day parents were sent a letter from school leaders claiming “it was always intended that chumash would be incorporated and take its rightful place as an integral part of the Jewish studies curriculum”.

Parent Steven Resnick said it appeared the school had backtracked, although he and others had found the letter ambiguous.

However, honorary principal Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet insisted that chumash would “play a fundamental role” at Rosh Pinah. “Let the kids come back to school after half-term and see for themselves.”

Jewish studies committee head Rev Stanley Michaels said parents could look forward to “ongoing improvement in all aspects of their children’s Jewish education”. Governors’ chair Roy Freedman declined to comment.