BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker
Two of the biggest Reform communities are co-operating on the launch of a year-round day care centre for babies and young children.
Finchley and North Western Reform (Alyth) Synagogues are due to open the Shofar nursery at Finchley's Sternberg Centre in September.
While both synagogues already have morning kindergartens which run during school term times, Shofar - the first of its type in the Reform movement - will offer working parents more extensive cover.
"It will run from 7.30 in the morning five days a week and 50 weeks in the year," said Finchley Reform's Rabbi Miriam Berger.
"It will be open to up to 75 children from six months to five."
The new facility "is going to be on three floors", Rabbi Berger added. "The top floor will be able to be used for music and movement. We'll also be able to have breakfast clubs and after-school provision for Akiva kids."
Apart from Akiva, which is also on the Sternberg site, the recent opening of the cross-communal Eden and Alma free schools has made Finchley an increasingly attractive area for Jewish families. "Lots of our members are using local non-Jewish day care," Rabbi Berger pointed out.
Her own congregation has grown by a quarter in six years and around 30 per cent of its 1,700 members are children.
Alyth's Rabbi Mark Goldsmith said: "Needs are changing for early years education. It is a terrific thing that these two synagogues and the Reform movement are co-operating to find a new model to meet those needs.
"It's also interesting that instead of donations, we are doing it through social enterprise funding so people are giving loans to get it going. "
A director of education for Shofar is currently being recruited.
Parents can register their interest at