
Quiz night launches charity remembering musician who died at 33

A Hertfordshire quiz was the first fundraiser for a foundation named after Simon Cooper, who died weeks after marrying his sweetheart

October 25, 2017 17:23
The quiz committee
1 min read

Relatives and friends of a musician who died at the age of 33, three weeks after getting married, have set up a charity in his memory.

Simon Cooper married the “love of his life” Claire in an intimate ceremony at the North London Hospice in June 2016. Having suffered with cystic fibrosis from birth, his death followed a short battle with cancer.

The wedding was organised in less than 24 hours after doctors warned Mr Cooper that he did not have long to live.

For the inaugural event of the Simon Cooper Foundation, 160 people attended a quiz night at The Chapel in Shenley. Although the evening was curtailed when vandals set off the fire alarm, orgainsers were delighted to have raised more than £6,000.

The foundation will fund specialist medical care, including hospitals and hospices, as well as research centres associated with cystic fibrosis and cancer.

Becky Woolfe, Mr Cooper’s sister, said: “Simon was a very charitable person who was involved with lots of different charities. We wanted to continue his legacy.

“We have lots more events we are planning for next year."