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PC's world has taken in Torah study

January 20, 2014 10:09
Inside knowledge: PC Chris Grayshon knows hisway around a shul and a religious study session

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

Taking advice from rabbis and being the special guest at a strictly Orthodox celebration of Torah study might be surprising highlights of a 30-year career in the police force.

But that is true of PC Chris Grayshon, who has received 20 commendations for his police work, largely protecting Jewish neighbourhoods in north Manchester. His most serious injury, resulting in a week in intensive care, was from an operation to clear a Cheetham Hill drug house close to Jewish dwellings.

Now to mark his retirement, the Prestwich Shomrim neighbourhood watch group is holding a tribute ceremony on Saturday evening.

“Before I joined the force, I worked for all the [local] Jewish caterers,” PC Grayshon, 53, recalled. “As a policeman, people are surprised how I know my way around the local shuls, including their kitchens.”