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Parent disputes Moriah admissions policy

June 24, 2010 11:48

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

A family has complained that their son has been denied a place at the Moriah Jewish Day School nursery in Pinner, Harrow in September because the school miscalculated the distance from their home.

The boy's father, who did not wish to be named, said that other children who lived further away from the school had been placed higher than their son in the queue for 26 places.

Like other schools, Moriah gives priority to applicants who live closer to the school. But the father said that the school had failed to adhere to an admissions policy which states that the distance would be measured "as the crow flies".

He said that, according to Google's "as the crow flies" website, the family's home in Stanmore lay some 6.5 kilometres from the school. But the school calculated the distance to be nearly eight kilometres away.