
Ort gives pupils a Jump start towards employment

September 27, 2012 11:24
1 min read

Educational charity British Ort is beginning to see the fruits of Jump, its mentoring programme for Jewish students.

About to accept its latest intake of ambitious year 12 pupils, Jump pairs them with mentors in industries including medicine, banking and advertising. This year, the scheme will assist 100 students drawn from JFS, Hasmonean, and for the first time, Yavneh College, who will join mentors in their places of work and meet clients.

Jump founder Julia Alberger said the aim was “to give students a jump start. This has become more important than ever with unemployment among 18-24-year-olds at record levels. And with young people finding it difficult to gain relevant work experience, it is satisfying that taking part in the Jump programme has given many students a work placement as well.

“We also encourage students to think outside the box by matching them with entrepreneurs who have successfully established their own businesses.” Among Jump graduates are Jessica-Lynn Joseph, who said the programme had been “an invaluable experience which has enabled me to make an informed decision about my future career. I have been able to explore my feelings about a career in dentistry and see first-hand how a dentist spends his or her day.”

Last week, Israeli ambassador Daniel Taub and former Tory MP Gyles Brandreth addressed the 200 guests at a British Ort dinner in Lincoln’s Inn which raised £350,000 for projects in Eastern Europe.Mr Taub complimented the organisation on “taking people forward into a productive future”. Mr Brandreth said that whereas politicians made a noise, Ort made a difference.

“I go away truly moved by people who come into their New Year ready to change people’s lives.”

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