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Obituary: Jack Aizenberg - a Holocaust survivor, a family man, a 'real-life superhero'

Jack said: 'God was good to me. I have no argument with God. I’m not asking him why was I in the camps. He made it up to me, he did, I can tell you.'

June 10, 2022 15:34
Jack Aizenberg
6 min read

Jack Aizenberg was a man who lived a life of unimaginable trauma and agonising loss. But his was also one of happiness, fulfillment, and deep pride, particularly in his grandchildren Sophia, Benny, and Lexi. 

Jack was born on April 15th, 1928 in the Polish town of Staszów, located south of Warsaw, and not too far from the border with Ukraine. Poland was home to 3.5 million Jews at the time, but by the end of World War II, 90 per cent had been murdered.

The Nazi occupation began in September 1939, and Staszów became a ghetto. Jack, his parents, and his much-loved younger brother, Shmelke, lived as best they could for three years until the Nazis ordered the evacuation of the ghetto.