
New Israel and Zionist Society formed at Exeter University

No students opposed the motion to create the society, paving the way for its establishment

January 6, 2023 17:57
1 min read

A new Israel and Zionist Society has been created at Exeter University after no students opposed its creation and affiliation to the Exeter Guild.

The society has been created by student Harry Stock, a Stand With Us Emerson leadership programme fellow, and alumni, Lior Lowy, with the aim of representing Zionist ideas on campus.

After being registered as a society in November last year, at least 20 students had to vote in favour of its establishment for it to be an official university society. 22 students voted in favour of its establishment, and none voted against.

In the description of the new group, the students wrote: "We believe there is a lack of representation of Zionist ideas and values which are often misconceptualised by students in general.

"Through this society, we wish to reshape the way Israel is perceived among Exeter university's students and give a voice to people who feel they have none. 

"The multi facetted culture of Israel is often reduced to the ongoing conflict in the region and as a society we wish to present the many other sides of this beautiful country (technology, food, language, nature...)."

In a statement, founder Harry Stock said: “Our university now has a chance to provide a fair and robust platform for Israel. This is truly a momentous moment which we are incredibly proud of facilitating.”

StandWithUs UK executive director Isaac Zarfati said, “I am proud of our students who have worked tirelessly on campus to bring the voice of truth about Israel to their peers.”