
Movers and shakers


Two teenagers have beaten a world record for the longest continuous handshake, raising almost £1,500 for charity.

UCS pupils Matthew Rosen, 16, and Joe Ackerman, 15, shook hands non-stop for 15 hours, 30 minutes and 45 seconds at the O2 Centre in Finchley Road, beating the previous record of 15 hours.

As part of their promotion of the event, the boys placed a spoof training video on YouTube and took an assembly at school. Proceeds will go to charities supported by the school, among them the Parkinson’s Disease Society.
“We thought we’d try something really different,” said Matthew, a
member of New North London

“It was really tiring and afterwards my arm hurt but it was definitely worth it and we raised a huge amount of money.”
Their record should be recognised in the next Guinness Book of World Records, unless it is surpassed before then

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