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Move of Golders Green medical centre to Finchley is 'a scandal'

Controversial plan to transfer Ravenscroft patients gets go-ahead from Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group. From next year, they face a six mile round trip to visit surgery

August 28, 2019 12:57
2 min read

Patients of a Golders Green medical centre which has served the Jewish community for more than 70 years have described the decision to transfer it to a location outside its catchment area as "a terrible blow".

A meeting of Barnet’s CCG [Clinical Commissioning Group] agreed to the move of the Ravenscroft Medical Centre from Golders Green Road to Finchley Memorial Hospital, 3.2 miles away.

The surgery serves around 7,500 patients, a few thousand of them Jews.

One who attended the CCG meeting said the situation was “a scandal. Of the 25 or so people sitting around the table, only three of them had a vote - [it] was from the beginning a foregone conclusion.