
Members backing Radlett expansion

April 14, 2011 11:56

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

Radlett Synagogue members have expressed support for an ambitious £1.65 million rebuilding and refurbishment project.

Seventy-five people attended a special meeting at which shul chair Andy Katz and building committee head Paul Krisman used visual aids to illustrate how the scheme would offer the enhanced facilities needed by a growing and youthful community.

The revised plan was produced 10 years after community leaders first began to explore redevelopment possibilities. It replaces a more ambitious and expensive project involving the demolition of two buildings which was shelved on financial grounds.

"We will be able to have a building we can have pride in but at a price we can afford," Mr Katz said. It would provide "a greater capacity and standard of comfort in the shul itself, an attractive and spacious lobby, a kiddush hall, facilities for our children and youth to play and pray in and better and bigger kitchen facilities".

A planning application will now be submitted and having received positive feedback from initial consultations with planning officers, Mr Krisman anticipates few if any problems. It is hoped the new synagogue will be ready for use by the beginning of 2013.

The community needs to raise an intial £750,000 with the remainder sought through a loan from the United Synagogue and donor pledges.