BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker
The London Board for Shechita has rejected a plan from the Federation of Synagogues to introduce a new mehadrin range of meat. Mehadrin involves more stringent standards of supervision than regular kosher meat.
The LBS warned that the Federation proposal "potentially drives a wedge" between it and the board's other two parent bodies, the United Synagogue and the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation. It added that it had "provided the Federation with a full and detailed reasoning for rejecting their proposal and we look forward to continuing to work with the Federation to provide the highest standards of kashrut to our community".
Federation chief executive Rabbi Avi Lazarus would say only that it had wanted to provide a new mehadrin brand "under the auspices" of the London Board. The board had responded with "a revised framework", he said, "which is being considered".
As well as its standard meat, the LBS also offers glatt kosher, chalak beit Yosef (for Sephardim) and oif mehadrin - mehadrin chickens. The board has kept the peace among its constituent bodies for some 20 years, after the so-called "meat wars" of the 1980s and early 1990s, when splits led to rival operations.