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Marathon man raises funds for WJR

April 26, 2016 12:47
Adam Schultz at the Brighton Marathon

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Being disagnosed with HIV prompted 29-year-old massage therapist Adam Nathan Schultz to rethink his priorities. This led to the Londoner entering the Brighton Marathon, where he achieved his goal of finishing inside four hours and raised money for World Jewish Relief.

“It was always a dream of mine to run marathons," he said. "But every year I came up with excuses to convince myself that I wasn’t fit enough, or lacked the determination to get through the training. Last year I was diagnosed with HIV and I was suddenly faced with my own mortality.

“I decided not to waste another minute analysing whether I was up for the challenge. How could I truly know unless I tried? I ran my first marathon last October and the Brighton Marathon is one of four marathons and six half-marathons I have signed up for.”