ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus
Companies are being offered free workers for three months under a scheme to tackle rising unemployment among Manchester Jewry.
JCom, the city's Jewish employment agency, is now helping 164 jobseekers, a rise of two-thirds in nine months.
The agency - which gained government accreditation in November - specialises in getting observant Jews into the job market, negotiating with employers about Shabbat and festival leave.
Through its new partnership with Salford City Council, employers will receive council funding for three months' wages - or up to £2,800 - for a candidate taken on through JCom. It is part of a 140-place employment scheme, set up in the wake of the Coalition's abolition of the Future Jobs Fund programme. The scheme was only previously available through Job Centres, but JCom has been given authority to select candidates for funding to help deal with its increasing number of clients.
JCom's Isaac Ginsbury said its success would depend on more companies coming forward with job vacancies.
JCom specialises in finding work for the observant
"The employment situation is getting worse. Having JCom facilitating the service means the community feels reassured that the services and schemes will be suitable for them."
Council leader John Merry said that working with JCom would bring about "tailored employment support to the community over and above the original Future Jobs Fund".