
Lottery £600,000 helps to fund northern centre for Shoah study

July 29, 2016 09:48
Survivors Arek Hersh and Iby Knill with Lilian Black at a Shoah memorial

ByJohn Fisher, John Fisher

1 min read

Testimonies of Holocaust survivors who moved to northern England will have a permanent home thanks to a £600,000-plus award from the Heritage Lottery Fund to the Leeds-based Holocaust Survivors' Friendship Association.

The project will deliver a Holocaust Heritage and Learning Centre featuring testimonies, literature, artefacts and evidence of Nazi persecution showcased in displays and exhibitions.

It will also explore the impact on the children and grandchildren of survivors.

Expected to open in September 2017, it will be accommodated at Heritage Quay, within the University of Huddersfield, and it is anticipated that at least 20,000 people will visit annually. There will be tours, school and community seminars and teacher education. Survivors and their families will be able to add to the archive.

In total, the project cost is £877,000 and the association is seeking funding to enhance the digital provision.

"The legacy of the Holocaust survivors in Yorkshire is now secure and will be made available to pupils, students and the wider community for teaching and learning," said HSFA chair Lilian Black.

"There has never been a more important time for us all to work together to combat all forms of persecution. Our membership knows only too well where discrimination leads and it is their dearest wish to make sure our past is not our future."