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Lobbying for Israel in Leeds

April 8, 2011 14:11

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

A pro-Israeli lobby group is being established in Leeds to better co-ordinate media response and promote positive messages about Israel.

Labour MP Fabian Hamilton will address the opening event of the Leeds Lobby Network on Wednesday, alongside Israel embassy spokesman Amir Ofek. The group will then develop responses to perceived unfair reporting of Israel by the media and ways to promote Israel in the press.

Co-organiser Gilad Amit, from the Makor educational organisation's Israel Advocacy Centre, said: "The idea came about when ambassador Ron Prosor visited Leeds in January after there was concern about a lack of voice within the Anglo-Jewish community.

"We are seeking to give people the knowledge and writing tools to contact the media and convey the right messages when something is unfairly reported, or to promote positive things Israel does, such as the assistance it has given to the Japanese after the tsunami."