
Limmud announces chair of its 2023 festival, its first Net Zero event

Hannah Gaventa brings to the role expertise in environmental sustainability

May 9, 2023 11:14
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1 min read

Limmud has appointed Hannah Gaventa as chair of its 2023 festival, its first Net Zero event.

Gaventa brings to the role expertise informed by her career in international development and experience of Limmud in both the UK and abroad.

Professionally, as director of IsraAid in Dominica, she led a team working with the government, UN agencies and the Clinton Foundation to embed climate-resilient strategies in the aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Maria.

“Over the past ten years, I have seen first-hand the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities in my work responding to disasters around the world,” she explained.

“As Jews, we have a responsibility to ensure we actively preserve our environment for future generations.”

The end-of-year festival will be aligned with the UK’s Net Zero strategy as part of Limmud’s belief in honouring the past, celebrating the present and preserving the future of not just Jewish life and learning but the world at large.

Using a carbon calculator tool, the festival team will assess ways to achieve the Net Zero goal and begin the process of creating long-term strategies for environmental sustainability.

“As portfolio manager at Palladium, I now work on the UK Government’s Skills for Prosperity Programme, an £80 million fund working to reduce poverty and increase economic growth in nine middle income countries.

“This programme requires me to develop systems and teams with the future in mind - and that is exactly the approach that we will take to Limmud Festival.”

Welcoming the appointment, trustees’ chair Carolyn Bogush said: “Limmud is always seeking opportunities to lead the community with innovation and we are delighted that Hannah and her team of the best and brightest community leaders will be bringing growth and innovation to our flagship event this December.”

