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Liberal rabbi extends northern role

November 24, 2016 22:00

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

Manchester's first Liberal rabbi has officially begun ministering to the only Liberal synagogue in the north of England.

Australian-born Rabbi Mark Solomon was formally inducted as rabbi to the Manchester Liberal Jewish Community by the chief executive of Liberal Judaism, Rabbi Danny Rich. Some 70 people joined the ceremony on Sunday at the synagogue's shared home at the Cross Street Unitarian Chapel in central Manchester. It was attended by the Lord and Lady Mayor of Manchester, Mayor and Mayoress of Salford, representatives of the Bishopric of Manchester and ministers of Manchester's reform communities.

Rabbi Solomon, former minister of Watford United Synagogue and central London's Liberal Jewish Synagogue, was appointed rabbi to the six-year-old community earlier this year. He has also recently been appointed as rabbi of Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community and is the associate chair of the Rabbinic Board of Liberal Judaism.

Synagogue chair Aron Sterk said: "We in MLJC look forward to this synagogue taking its place in the community of Manchester and the North West."