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Leeds honours its unsung heroes

December 27, 2012 12:39

ByJohn Fisher, John Fisher

1 min read

A diverse array of local heroes were honoured at the fifth Leeds Jewish Community Pride Awards, in aid of Leeds Jewish Welfare Board.

The Richard Goldberg male lifetime achievement award at the Etz Chaim ceremony went to Victor Zermansky, a stalwart of the local legal and Jewish community, as well as a keen Zionist and charity supporter.

Leeds Jewish Representative Council president, Hilton Lorie, described him as “one of the real characters of Leeds Jewry”. As rep council president in the 1970s, Mr Zermansky created the post of student liaison officer — the forerunner of chaplaincy.

The female award went to Fraya Apfel, who LJWB president Edward Ziff referred to as “a tower of strength to the entire Jewish community and an unsung hero”, working for the welfare board and chevrah kadisha among many organisations.