ByAnonymous, Anonymous
An exhibition in Windermere about child survivors of the Holocaust, due to close at the end of the month, is, by popular demand, to continue.
The exhibition, "From Auschwitz to Ambleside", housed in Windermere Library, is attracting so much interest from visitors that it is proving to be an important local, national and international event. It will now continue indefinitely.
It explores the connection between the Lake District and the arrival of 300 Jewish child survivors who arrived in the area in 1945. A story told in words, pictures and film looks at the children themselves, and how they came to be in the Lakes, and also tells of the local community who welcomed them.
Trevor Avery, exhibition organiser and director of education charity Another Space, said: "The response to the exhibition shows how compelling this story is. The story is ultimately an uplifting one of survival and compassion, and shows the crucial role played by Cumbria and its people in the recuperation of the Jewish children, a point made again and again by visitors to the exhibition. Cumbria and the Lake District should rightly be very proud of this legacy. We are dealing with contacts across the world, such is the reach of the story."
Visitors to the exhibition have included many overseas travellers from Holland, France, Australia, Japan, Israel as well as from the UK.
Another Space has also launched the "From Auschwitz to Ambleside" website and was advisor on the BBC television documentary The Orphans Who Survived The Concentration Camps earlier this year.
The demand for an exhibition space that would provide a focus for the enormous interest in the story became immense, and Cumbria County Council offered a space at Windermere Library as a solution.
The exhibition includes some of the recently discovered photographs of the children taken at their Lake District home near Windermere.
The photographs were taken by pioneering photographer Kurt Hutton for Picture Post magazine, and were never published. They remained undiscovered for nearly 70 years until Another Space found them hidden in archives.