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Kisharon launches national helpline

May 18, 2012 11:14

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Special needs charity Kisharon unveiled a helpline scheme at its gala dinner in central London on Sunday, which raised £450,000.

Chairman Philip Goldberg told the 500 guests that the service would give “Jewish people from around the country somewhere to phone when they need emotional support on issues relating to learning difficulties. It is in response to an identified need.”

Kisharon chief executive Dr Beverley Jacobson described the “intense pressure” of having a child with special needs. Her 17-year-old daughter Talia has vision and learning impairments and attends the Kisharon Day School.

Talia was one of a number of young adults who helped to host the evening, introducing guest speaker Elin Haf Davies, who rowed across the Atlantic and Indian oceans to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital, where she was a nurse.