ByAnonymous, Anonymous
Some of the best performers at King Solomon High in Redbridge were Aaron Zack, with two A*s and two As, and Samuel Rabinowitz, with two A*s and an A.
“You have to be really motivated,” observed Miri Aghaki Allen, who achieved an A* and three As. “I put a lot of effort into extracurricular activities to improve my application because it’s so competitive.” She will be going on to study medicine. Eighty per cent of exams sat by KS students were passed at A*-C.
The 16 candidates who came to Yavneh in Borehamwood from other schools passed their all their A-levels, with 91 per cent of exams scored between A*-C. “We now look forward to next summer when we will have the first ever set of A-level results from Yavneh’s own students,” said head Dena Coleman.
Three Jewish girls from Bancroft’s School in Woodford Green will be going on to Oxbridge. Stephanie Posner achieved A*s in biology, chemistry, classics and maths and will read classics at Jesus College, Cambridge.
“I couldn’t believe it when I saw my results,” she said. “I was expecting someone to call me and tell me I had the wrong set.”
Linnet Kaymer will take history at Merton College, Oxford and Deanna Green will read theology at Queens’ College, Cambridge.
Haberdashers boy Josh Morris was “in shock” after learning of his A*s in biology, chemistry and economics.