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King David schools hail A level stars

August 18, 2011 10:46

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

A-level students at northern Jewish schools have excelled.

Jewish pupils at Liverpool's King David High recorded a 100 per cent pass rate with many achieving three A grades. Madeline Hirshfield had A* grades in five subjects and will be going to Oxford to study law. Head boy Adam Fineberg achieved two A* grades and two As and will take up his Cambridge offer to study chemistry.

At Manchester's King David High and Yavneh schools, a quarter of students achieved at least three A grades, with more than 80 per cent of passes in the top three grades.

KD governors' chair Joshua Rowe said support was provided for pupils facing unprecedented competition for university places. "We have a team assisting [students] although I think the vast majority have achieved their places."