
JFS pupils discover the wow factor on results day

August 23, 2012 15:36
JFS students celebrate

BySandy Rashty, Sandy Rashty

1 min read

“Wow, I can’t believe I’m actually going to university,” said Ron Goodisman, reflecting the excitement of JFS pupils who achieved, or exceeded, their A-level goals.

Ron was among the many pupils who gathered at the school’s Kenton premises last Thursday morning to find out their results and was delighted with his straight As in economics, maths and modern Hebrew. He will take economics and politics at Nottingham.

“There was a lot of pressure this year,” he said. “Twenty places were available on my course and only 10 per cent of applicants were accepted. I’m very excited to start a degree that will give me broad opportunities.”

Sara Jacobs, who achieved As in chemistry, history and maths, will study pharmacy at Nottingham. “I knew that I would be more likely to have a job at the end of a vocational degree,” she explained.

Jordan Grabski, who attained an A* and two As, said he had “worked very hard for my results. I’m not that person who doesn’t do anything and succeeds. All the effort really did pay off.”

Kayla Feldman described her three A grades as “unexpected”, but added: “I worked extremely hard this year. So did a lot of intelligent students who were tripped up by the system. There’s so much focus on exam technique.”

Jacob Muller achieved six A*s. Five A*s were recorded by Ayala Shirazi, four A*s by Jake Yudelowitz. Yoav Greenberg, Holly Peters and Joely Axelrod received three A*s and an A. Amy Boekstein, Jordan Jacobs and Leanne Mizrachi got three A*s. Eighty per cent of exams were passed at grades A*-B. Six students won Oxbridge places.