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Jewish Learning Exchange raises £3 million from London dinner

Proceeds will go towards a £5 million campaign to take the educational charity's work to the next level

November 24, 2022 11:43
Senator Joe Lieberman
1 min read

The Jewish Learning Exchange raised over £3 million from a London gala dinner addressed by former US Senator Joe Lieberman.

It kick-started JLE’s “Next Level” campaign to raise £5 million to upgrade its services for young Jews across the UK. Funds will go towards a major revamp of its flagship centre in Golders Green and enhancing its digital presence.

Addressing the 100 guests at the home of the Moshal family, Mr Lieberman praised “the remarkable job the JLE is doing, reaching out and bringing people into the Jewish world”. He said it was vital to advance Jewish education and connection among young Jews.

CEO Rabbi Benjy Morgan told supporters that the aim of the campaign was to ensure “that today’s young people recognise the relevance and beauty of Judaism in this modern, professional 21st century”.

Rabbi Dr Ivan Lerner was recognised for his 25 years of service to JLE and was presented with a plaque for a new floor at the revamped JLE centre which will be dedicated in his honour.