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Jewish housing groups merge as need for affordable housing grows

jLiving will take over Brighton and Hove Jewish Housing Association's 19 properties

April 4, 2023 13:55
brighton holland road outside
1 min read

Brighton and Hove Jewish Housing Association has merged with Jewish housing provider jLiving, which will take over 19 properties within three houses in the Brighton area, accommodating a mix of single people and couples.

Announcing the merger, the organisations said their similarities made for a natural partnership as the need for affordable housing grows.

The amalgamation has the approval of the key stakeholders in the Brighton community and will be formally celebrated at an event at Brighton’s new communal hub, BNJC. jLiving will also be managing five affordable rental units on the BNJC site. jLiving CEO Jane Goodman was “delighted that after months of hard work for both organisations, the merger is now complete and we look forward to welcoming our new tenants to the jLiving community.

“B&HJHA should be proud of the incredible work it has done in supporting its tenants and providing beautiful homes over the past 50-plus years.

“We will preserve everything that B&HJHA has established.

“There will be no staff changes and tenants can rest assured that their current living arrangements are secure — and most importantly, they will retain the same housing manager.”

B&HJHA chair Michael Davids said the move represented “a resounding vote of confidence in the future of the Brighton, Hove and Sussex Jewish community”.

Ms Goodman added that as part of its commitment to Brighton Jewry, “we will also be working with the local Jewish welfare board to manage their properties and support their tenants”.

The welfare board’s Fiona Sharpe explained that it would maintain ownership of two houses, continuing to provide “affordable, subsidised housing in eight flats.

“However, we are very happy that jLiving will take over the management of these properties on our behalf.”

