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Israel lesson at KD prize day

Manchester King David governors’ chair Joshua Rowe changed the programme for the high school’s prize day on Tuesday to show the 1,500 audience a high-tech presentation on the history of Israel’s conflicts.

February 26, 2009 10:45

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

Manchester King David governors’ chair Joshua Rowe changed the programme for the high school’s prize day on Tuesday to show the 1,500 audience a high-tech presentation on the history of Israel’s conflicts.

Mr Rowe took the decision to counter the increasing number of pupils and parents questioning the morality of Israel’s Gaza campaign.

“There are certainly students asking questions,” he explained. “People are influenced by the media and parents can be somewhat apathetic. The battlefront is everywhere.

“In every school and on every campus Palestinian supporters are vociferous and active while Jewish students are asleep. We need to train our kids, get them involved and mobilise our community in active support of Israel in their workplace, unions — everywhere we go.”