
Hertfordshire children plant trees for Tu Bishvat

February 4, 2010 11:19
Settled in digs: Sam Kramer and Alex Hougie from Radlett cheder

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

Over 150 children and their parents from four Hertfordshire communities marked Tu Bishvat by tree planting in the Woodland Trust’s 850-acre Heartwood Forest, close to St Albans.

The youngsters — from the cheders of the Radlett and Shenley United shuls, Radlett and Bushey Reform and St Albans Masorti — planted over 1,000 trees. The initiative was organised by Radlett United member Debbie Hougie, a geography lecturer at Hertfordshire University.

“It was fantastic to see so many children and their parents involved,” she said.

“I felt very proud to see Jewish people making such a positive contribution to our local environment.”

The children also learned about links between the environment and Tu Bishvat and dug to the sounds of klezmer performed by a local violinist.