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Heritage tour is full of East End promise

July 14, 2011 14:53
Not only here for the beer: Jessica Saffer, Terri Gower, Laura Kaufman, Amelia Wiseman and Hannah Saffer

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

2 min read

Three dozen young professionals made an East End pilgrimage on Sunday to learn more about the writers, community leaders and visionaries who enriched Jewish life in the area in the 19th and early 20th century.

They were participating in a heritage walking tour organised by the Zionist Federation and Israel Connect. Centred on the East End's Zionist history, it was was the first of its kind for twenty- and thirtysomethings.

Their positive reaction - and a waiting list of 27 - bodes well for the future of the venture.

Veteran tour guide Clive Bettington led the group around the now trendy streets of Aldgate and Whitechapel, stopping at the sites of the original Jewish Free School and the one-time JC offices, the childhood home of playwright Arnold Wesker and the various stomping grounds of East End chronicler and Zionist leader Israel Zangwill.