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Hate crime victims to face offenders

March 11, 2011 10:52

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

Greater Manchester Police are to ask antisemitic offenders to face their victims.

A restorative justice scheme piloted across GMP since November gives hate crime victims the option of meeting the perpetrators to explain the impact of racism and receive an apology. Victims can also ask a representative to meet the offender, request community service as a punishment for them, or opt for criminal proceedings.

The radical scheme is said to offer more satisfaction to victims, reduce legal costs and result in swifter action. It can be dealt with by trained police officers outside of the courts.

Bury division police inspector Mark Kenny told 60 community members and 30 non-Jews at a Prestwich police community meeting on Tuesday that his force was "pushing" to use the scheme as an effective alternative to the criminal justice system.