A phone call from Middlesex New Synagogue to its energy supplier has brought light relief to the Harrow shul and its elderly members.
Mindful of soaring costs, the MNS executive had been considering replacing the bulbs in the prayer-hall chandeliers with low-energy lamps. Working on the theory that "if you don't ask, you don't get", a call was made to E-on to ask whether the company would consider donating 120 lamps to help the shul reduce its fuel bill.
The reply exceeded expectations with E-on offering to provide 1,000 compact fluorescent lamps on the understanding that at least 750 were distributed to the over-70s among the congregation.
After taking the lamps needed for the chandeliers, the remainder will be distributed by the congregation's Living Judaism Group to members of the MNS friendship club, the Bessborough Sunday Afternoon Club and other qualifying members.