First meeting of the Contemporary Women’s Group, which ran in parallel with part of the main service at Beth Hamidrash Hagadol shul
May 13, 2022 15:35The haftarah was sung by a woman for the first time at Beth Hamidrash Hagadol shul in Leeds on Shabbat at the launch of a new group for women.
More than 30 participants including some from the nearby Etz Chaim Congregation joined the inaugural meeting of the Contemporary Women’s Group, which ran in parallel with part of the main service at the Orthodox congregation.
The initiative was inspired by the Chief Rabbi’s Project Welcome campaign to encourage people to return to shul after the interruptions of the pandemic.
“We felt that ladies had not been attending in the numbers men had since Covid,” explained Michelle Green, who was one of the group’s organisers along with Helen Lorie, Liora Baram and Oli Davidson.
“We started off with coffee, cake and chat at 10.30 to create a warm and inclusive atmosphere,” she said. “From the beginning of the event, we felt that people were excited to experience the new initiative.”
The hour-long event, from 11am, as well as the recitation of the haftarah, included presentations on its origins, on the sidrah of the week and on one of the opening morning blessings which were recited in Hebrew and English.
“We had so much positive feedback,” Mrs Green said. “Someone said that, hopefully, it would create a renewed interest in shul-going.”
The plan is to now to hold the group monthly.
BBH will also be experimenting the Shabbat after next by holding a “wellness service”.