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Gove observes a flying start to Etz Chaim site

October 21, 2013 09:30
Launch date: Etz chaim pupils, staff and guests watch the balloons go up at the official opening

BySandy Rashty, Sandy Rashty

1 min read

Education Secretary Michael Gove joined communal leaders at the official opening of the permanent Etz Chaim Jewish Primary premises in Mill Hill last Friday.

Etz Chaim, one of the government’s free school projects, has been operating from nearby temporary accommodation since 2011.

Project leaders had to overcome a legal challenge from local residents objecting to the loss of a local amenity — a garden centre — which formerly stood on the school’s new Daws Lane home.

The school has built up to 107 children, from nursery to year two, and there are 20 staff.
Governors’ chair Adam Dawson told the 300 guests: “The project has been and continues to be a true labour of love for all involved. But we stuck to the plan, worked hard and succeeded in establishing one of the country’s first free schools.