
Going to shul on Yomtov? You'll need a negative Covid test

The United Synagogue is urging congregants to take a test on the eve of festivals

August 24, 2021 12:03
1 min read

United Synagogue members planning to attend services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are being urged to take a lateral flow test on erev Yomtov to ensure they are Covid-free.

The US’s latest advice to communities reflects the higher numbers expected at festival services.

It notes that in light of the higher infection rates among children, services and programming for youth should be held in a separate building - and outdoors where possible - with social distancing maintained.

Those who blow the shofar will need to record a negative lateral flow test on erev Yomtov. They will also be required to stand at least two metres away from congregants when blowing the shofar.

Where a close contact of someone with Covid is double vaccinated or under the age of 18, they can attend shul once they have recorded a negative PCR test result, although they will additionally be required to take a lateral flow test on erev Yomtov.

Rabbi Nicky Liss, who compiled the document with US communities’ director Jo Grose, said they had taken recent changes in government guidance into account.

“After the challenges posed by the pandemic last Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we know that our shuls are looking forward to welcoming back bigger crowds this year. But they will still want to make sure members feel comfortable and can daven safely.”

The US will also be streaming a range of programming before Yomtov for those unable or unwilling to attend Yomtov services.