
Glasgow Jewish leaders' space for discussion

July 8, 2010 12:12
1 min read

In Glasgow it's just known as "The Blog" and is the scourge of the Jewish establishment because of anonymous contributors' frank and sometimes sarcastic criticism of community leaders.

But now the blog's hosts, the Glasgow Jewish Educational Forum, have extended an olive branch to representative council president Eddie Isaacs - an offer of 500 unedited words and a discussion space on the council's Community Futures project.

This follows comments to the JC about Glasgow's future by Jewish community consultant Simon Caplan, who stressed the benefits of such a blog for reflecting a range of opinion.

The GJEF's Tony Tankel said the offer had been motivated by a sense of responsibility towards the community. "The blog can be used as a medium to put across the vision of the representative council as regards the Community Futures project," he said. "GJEF thought it would be appropriate to offer Edward Isaacs the opportunity of writing an article that we would post as the main discussion feature and open a comments facility to instigate genuine debate and discussion."

Mr Isaacs said "the offer is under consideration. There have been concerns about personal abuse on the blog but let's move on from that."