
Giving Glasgow a voice on its future

December 27, 2012 12:35

ByCathy Forman, Cathy Forman

1 min read

The Glasgow Jewish Representative Council is seeking the views of community members to try to plan the local Jewish community’s future.

A community futures consultation document, based on the findings of three working groups in the city and on meetings with the Leeds and Liverpool Jewish representative councils, has now been published and community members’ views are sought on its ideas.

Fiona Frank, who carried out the Being Jewish in Scotland consultation for the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC), has been seconded from SCoJeC to co-ordinate responses to the consultation. She will be assisted by Shani Zour, an intern funded by the Scottish Government for three months, whose role is “to ensure that young people’s voices are heard in this consultation”.

The Being Jewish in Scotland report, published in the summer, suggested that the community should try to plan for and influence its future rather than just reacting to it.

Ms Frank said she was “very much looking forward to helping the Glasgow Jewish community move into a new future — and we’re really lucky to be working with Shani, our new intern”.