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Footballing rabbi scores with Pinner shul's selection team

Ben Kurzer will join the United Synagogue congregation in summer

May 14, 2019 13:49
Rabbi Ben and Rebbetzen Abi Kurzer.JPG
1 min read

Pinner Synagogue has appointed Ben and Abi Kurzer as its new rabbinic couple and the couple will join in the summer.

Rabbi Kurzer has been involved in communal work for many years, most recently as assistant rabbi at Edgware Synagogue.  Prior to that, he was involved in a number of institutions in America while studying at Yeshiva University.  A keen footballer, he has turned out twice for the Rabbis XI in charity games against Spurs Legends raising funds for Israel's Laniado Hospital.

The rebbetzen holds a BSc in psychology and a Masters in clinical social work and is a graduate of the Chief Rabbi's Ma'ayan programme, which trains female educators.

The Kurzers said: “We are thrilled to be joining this warm, engaged and dynamic community. We have already met some of the wonderful people of Pinner and look forward to this opportunity to work together in taking the shul forward.”