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First ever zoo-cah to open to families and other animals

Matthew Gould, the Jewish CEO of the Zoological Society of London, is behind the idea for the London Zoo succah

September 14, 2023 11:47
Matthew Gould -ZSL(MM)22 4540
1 min read

So a rabbi and a zookeeper got talking… This might sound like the beginning of a Jewish joke, but it actually took place — and planted the seed for a unique way to celebrate Succot.

For the first time, a succah is coming to a UK zoo. The London Zoo succah is a joint project between the zoo and South Hampstead Synagogue.

The original idea came from Matthew Gould, the Jewish CEO of the Zoological Society of London, which oversees both London and Whipsnade Zoos. Gould told the JC: “London Zoo is the perfect place for Succot.

"Our animals and beautiful gardens offer a powerful connection to nature, and our conservation work is a wonderful example of tikkun olam [repairing the world].”

Gould was the first Jewish British ambassador to Israel and was the first ambassador to put a succah in the garden of the ambassadorial residence in Ramat Gan.

The London Zoo succah will be decorated by children from South Hampstead Synagogue and the shul’s Rabbi Shlomo Levin will ensure that it is halachically compliant.