
Finchley Federation PR drive draws crowd

July 30, 2015 12:10
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hamer (Picture: Gideon Kay)

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

An intensive Finchley Federation publicity campaign to promote its new home in Victoria Avenue paid off when its launch Shabbat service attracted more than 150 people - three times the normal turnout.

The 80-family community moved into the former Edwardian school house several months ago after selling the Redbourne Avenue shul it had occupied since 1961. The premises have undergone considerable refurbishment and reconfiguring to meet the congregation's needs, including the installation of a new mechitzah.

"We had already decided several years ago that we needed to make a move," said Finchley Federation president Dr David Gertner.

"Our previous shul was just 200 yards outside the eruv. As our membership was both ageing and in decline, we wanted to attract more young married couples with children, so a location within the eruv was important to us. The shul was also badly located in terms of its proximity to the principal Jewish residential areas."

Many of the congregation on Shabbat were non-members who had expressed interest in joining, Dr Gertner added. "Our rabbi and rebbetzin, Yaakov and Yael Hamer, are both teachers and educators and are keen to foster educational activities."