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Exam delays over Shavuot clash

For some Jewish students, lockdown has caused additional problems

May 25, 2020 08:40
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BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

The coronavirus lockdown has posed extra problems for some university students who want to avoid having to sit an exam over Shavuot next week.

University Jewish Chaplaincy intervened on behalf of two students at one institution who wanted to rearrange to take their exam on a different day.

Sophie Dunoff, chief executive of UJC, said: “Universities have had to move exams online because of the lockdown and work in ways they have never had to before.

“Normally, this particular university would facilitate Jewish students who wanted to avoid a clash with Shavuot — the students would be invigilated so they could not see the paper while others sat it and could take it on a different day.