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Emotional reunions as care homes start to welcome back visitors

Delight for residents and their relatives as welfare charities cautiously ease restrictions

June 11, 2020 16:05
Back together at Jewish Choice in Wembley

ByAleks Phillips, Aleks Phillips

2 min read

Relatives of residents at the Jewish Choice care home in Wembley have been allowed to visit their loved ones for the first time since it locked down on March 11. And other communal welfare providers are beginning to follow suit.

Jewish Choice has been admitting small groups of relatives for socially distanced one-hour appointments. All have to wear PPE, wash their hands and have their temperature taken before entering the building.

Many of Jewish Care’s 11 homes are ready to resume scheduled visits — and are now open to new residents. At The Fed’s Heathlands home in Manchester, visitors are permitted to come to the outside of the building, greeting relatives through the windows. And Norwood, which runs the Ravenswood residential village in Berkshire, said “plans are being put in place” for socially distanced visits.

Jewish Choice trialled visits over a three-day period before everyone at the home was tested again. One of the first visitors, Anthony Bull, spent an hour sitting in the garden with his mother Barbara, 92, and sister Hilary Levy. He said it had been “a great relief because we hadn’t seen her for 11 weeks”.