
Elstree shul reveals its choice for successor to Chaim Kanterovitz

Largest US congregation set to promote from within

March 29, 2019 11:07
1 min read

Rabbi Alex Chapper will be the new senior minister of Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue, subject to the approval of members in a vote on April 11.

The Hertfordshire congregation, the largest in the US, has been seeking a new main rabbi since Rabbi Chaim Kanterovitz quit in November after a month of unexplained leave.

It has decided to promote from within, given what BES chair Simon Mitchell described as Rabbi Chapper's "strong performance" since joining as community rabbi in 2017 and "his longstanding experience as the main rabbi in his previous communities", most recently Ilford Federation.

In a message to members, Mr Mitchell added: "Of course, Rabbi Chapper is no stranger to us, and through his hard work and diligence has already proven to be a strong leader for our community. During the selection interview process, Rabbi Chapper has laid out an exciting and innovative vision for our community, demonstrating an astute understanding of where we are today and what we need to develop. With his trademark kindness and empathy, his drive, determination, professionalism and humility, and his ability to relate Torah values to our everyday lives, I feel confident this is the start of an amazing era for our community."