
Elstree chair longs for stability

September 14, 2012 09:59

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

Replacements for the Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue officers who resigned last month following allegations of breach of confidence and disclosure of confidential material say they want to bring stability to the fractured congregation.

Returning as chairman is Stephen Forman, a Borehamwood member for 42 years, who quit the board five years ago after completing a three-year term as chair. Other posts include vice-chairs Darcie Richman and Claire Fletcher, both members of the current board, with Nicholas Arnold as financial representative. They will hold office until the next elections in May.

Mr Forman sees his role as “to stabilise” the community “to move forward as quickly as possible. We have a number of important and exciting projects on hand, including the appointment of a new rabbi, development plans for a potential new building, as well as all the normal tasks associated with running a shul. All these things require implementation”.

The long drawn-out selection process for a successor to Rabbi Dr Naftali Brawer has split the 1,300 family congregation and it was confirmed this week that interim senior minister Rabbi Shimson Silkin has signed a contract to stay on for up to another year. Rabbi Silkin was controversially passed over for the permanent position, as were two other short-listed candidates.

Mr Forman hoped he and his fellow officers would ensure that “the community pulls together and comes out of this even better than it was before”.