Edgware Synagogue still seaching for a full-time assistant minister.
October 3, 2008 14:22ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby
Edgware Synagogue's search for a full-time assistant minister is back to square one after the executive felt unable to recommend any of the candidates interviewed.
Synagogue chair Stephen Jacobson said it was imperative to find the right man rather than rush into an appointment which might prove flawed.
"However, there are a number of options open to us now and we hope to identify suitable candidates with the help of the United Synagogue."
One of the largest communities within the US fold, Edgware wants support for senior minister Rabbi David Lister, who took up the post at the start of the year.
Rabbi Steven Gaffin - whose job as community director was abolished as part of the restructuring - has left the shul.
Support for Rabbi Lister over the festivals will be provided by Rabbi Mark Mays, one of seven rabbinic interns being brought over by the US from yeshivot in Israel and the USA. In particular, he is helping Rabbi Lister with alternative explanatory services for the Yomtovim.
The rabbinic interns are, with one exception, British-born and are assisting 15 US communities. The US hopes that in addition to providing valuable temporary support, the placements will make the rabbis think positively about long-term appointments in Britain.