
Edgware Sephardi minyan closes

December 29, 2010 14:30

ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby

1 min read

A Sephardi minyan which opened its doors with high hopes in January 2008, has announced that it has closed, due to insufficient support.

Kehilat Shevet Yehuda, which met above the Edgware Torah Centre in Hale Lane, was founded by two Edgware residents who believed that the size of the local Sephardi community - thought at the time to be around some 30 per cent of the total number of Jews in the area - was not reflected among the cluster of shuls serving the neighbourhood. They were convinced that despite the existence of a long-established Sephardi congregation in the neighbourhood, there was a demand for another one in the district. Since that time, the independent Edgware Sephardi minyan has acquired a new permanent home in Edgwarebury Lane, while another Sephardi minyan now convenes regularly for Shabbat services at nearby Stanmore United Synagogue.

A spokesman for Shevet Yehuda, said: "After running for three years and experiencing exciting highs, we have not been able to establish a viable kehilla with sustainable minyanim. It is very sad to see the end of such a promising community where special friendships were made, learning was generously and warmly shared, tefillot were offered in silence, kiddushim were vibrant and all were received with smiles."